Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reposted - Oct 30, 2014 IT WAS SUCH A GREAT NIGHT......UNTIL

Sometimes I get a wee bit complacent, thinking things are going well, forgetting that there is always a storm after a calm.  I think these times are necessary for my mental health, but I have to laugh at myself when I am yet again surprised when the trauma hits the fan.

This evening was the calm.....made cookies and cupcakes for tomorrow's school party, painted our Halloween fingernails, played ping pong - generally had good silly time together.  Homework went FABULOUSLY (one of the best ever, and there was a boatload of it).

Fast forward a bit to bedtime.  TK got the bright idea to gargle her water, which always ends up with her spitting water everywhere and me getting annoyed, but I did  my best to ignore it.  Of course it ended with, "Mom, can you change my sheets? They're wet."  I told her to change them herself since she got them wet.  I know, why pick that battle? Surely I know better.  But I not only picked that one, I picked the next one. "Mom, can you get me some shorts?  My long jammie pants are too hot."  "Honey, I'm tired and my (broken) foot hurts. You can get them yourself."   

And BANG goes the starting pistol.  20 minutes later, we're both ticked off, she's sobbing, I'm nearly there, and she is way too wound up to sleep, which is killing me, because all I want is for her to go to sleep so I can stop patting her and go sit in the den and wallow in my own hideous day.  (Hey, sometimes you just have to wallow a little.)

After a few prayers and a mental slap upside the head, I apologize and we start to settle down.  A few moments later I hear a very quiet, "Mommy, I love you to the moon and back."  

So yep, we crashed and burned. Not the first time and surely not the last. But my sweet TK managed to reach deep inside herself and give me some grace. Heaven - and she- surely knew I needed it.

Give yourself some grace too. Or find a 9 year old who has a little extra and see if she'll share with you. 

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